get beauty self in 30 minutes

 here is for self makeup tutorial for everyday

*product list* cream bright fit shade no 2 ETUDE
2. SK-II loose powder 
3. milani baked blush in luminoso
4. cherry cheese cake butter lipgloss NYX
5. fakeup concealer Benefit
6. Maybeline mascara "rocket express" (best seller)
7. Body Shop brow kit pallete (i use for eyeshadow too)
8. sleek sunset pallete (i use the gold one for eyeshadow)
9. SILVER SWAN LASH - 202 aponi

how to use?
use the dark chocolate eyeshadow first with sigma e25 blending brush in harsh line, and light chocolate for gradation from dark to gold
use the black eyeshadow for create eyeliner using brow brush etude and blend it, because i want a natural makeup, not too much and make my eyes bright
and blend all with masami shouko blending brush
use maskara and put silverswan lash 202 aponi, (the best lash i ever use!) 
create eyebrow with bodyshop brow kit with brow brush from etude house
*clean under eye area because that eyeshadow powder may fall and become a mess*
use bb cream bright fit etude for all face and neck
after that use the fakeup benefit concealer in shade fair for under eye area 
use sk-ii loose powder in cheek and T zone area because im dont want my face become so oily after using BB cream
after that, use milani baked blush in shade luminoso (it means peach) in cheek bone area
last but not least, use NYX lip butter in peach, looks so fresh!

done ^^ good luck~
